SSC MTS Previous Years Question Paper (English)

Date :- 01/08/2019

Shift :- Morning Shift

Subject :- English

Category :- Topic-Wise Solution


Question 1. Choose the correct spelt word.

1.     Hotiness
2.     Haughtyness
3.     Haughtiness
4.     Hautiness

Answer : 3. Haughtiness

Category : Vocabulary (Word Meaning)

Explanation :-  Haughtiness (अभिमान)
The appearance or quality of being arrogantly superior and disdaninful.


Question 2. Choose the correctly spelt word

1.    Gramar
2.    Gramer
3.    Grammar
4.    Grammer

Answer : 3. Grammar

Category : Vocabulary (Word Meaning)

Explanation : Grammar (व्याकरण)

The whole system and structure of a language or of languages in general, usually taken as consisting of syntax and morphology(including inflections) and sometimes also phonology and semantics.


Question 3. Select the most appropriate option to fill in the blank.

Her parents always _______ her in her studies.

1.     Encouraged
2.     Interested
3.     Impressed
4.     Expected

Answer :- encouraged

Category :- Grammar + Vocabulary(Fill In The Blank)

Explanation :- Her parents always Encouraged her in her studies.

Encouraged (प्रोत्साहित करना) – give support, confidence, or hope to (someone).

Interested (इच्छुक) – showing curiosity or concern about something or someone; having a feeling of interest.

Impressed (प्रभावित) – feeling or showing admiration or respect for someone or something.

Expected (अपेक्षित) – regarded as likely; anticipated.


Question 4. Select the most appropriate antonyms of the given word.


1.     Barren
2.     Civilized
3.     Sane
4.     Tough

Answer :- 1. Barren

Category :- Vocabulary (Antonyms)

Explanation :- Fertile (उपजाऊ) – (of soil or land) producing or capable of producing abundant vegetation or crops.

Barren (बंजर) – (of land) too poor to produce much or any vegetation. Example :-“the plains of kyrenia were barren.”

Civilized (सभ्य) – at an advanced stage of social and cultural development. Example :- “a civilized society.”

Sane (समझदार) – (of a person) of sound mind; not mad or mentally ill. Example :- “hard work kept me sane.”

Tough (कठोर) – (of a substance or object) strong enough to withstand adverse conditions or rough or careless handling. Example :- “tough backpacks for climbers.”


Question 5. Choose the most appropriate word that can substitute the given group of words.

One who pretends to be what he is not

1.     Director
2.     Hypocrite
3.     Creator
4.     Acrobat

Answer :- 2. Hypocrite

Category :- Vocabulary (One Word substitute)

Explanation :- One who pretends to be what he is not (जो वह नहीं होने का दिखावा करता है) – Hypocrite.

Hypocrite (पाखंडी) – a person who indulges in hypocrisy. Example :- “the story tells of respectable Ben who turns out to be a cheat and a hypocrite”

Director (निर्देशक) – a person who is in charge of an activity, department or organization.

Creator (बनाने वाला) – a person or thing that brings something into existence. Example :- “James Bond’s creator lan Feming.”

Acrobat (खेल दिखाने वाला, कलाबाज) – an entertainer who performs spectacular gymnastic feats.


Question 6. Select the most appropriate antonym of the given word.


1.     Dark
2.     Clever
3.     Grave
4.     Blunt

Answer :- 4. Blunt

Category :- Vocabulary (Antonyms)

Explanation :- Acute (तीव्र) – (of a bad, difficult, or unwelcome situation or phenomenon present or experienced to a severe or intense degree. Example :- “an acute housing shortage.”

Blunt (कुंद) – (of a knife, pencil, etc.) having a worn-down edge or point; not sharp. Example :- “a blunt knife.”

Dark (अंधेरा) – the absence of light in a place. Example :- “Carolyn was sitting in the dark.”

Clever (चालाक) – quick to understand, learn, and devise or apply ideas; intelligent. Example :- “a clever and studious young man.”

Grave (गंभीर) – a place of burial for a dead body, typically a hole dug in the ground and marked by a stone or mound. Example :- “the coffin was lowered into the grave.”


Question 7. Select the most appropriate synonyms of the given word.


1.    Soothe
2.     Neutralize
3.     Relieve
4.     Intensify

Answer :- 4. Intensify

Category :- Vocabulary ( Synonyms)

Explanation :- Deepen (गहरा) – make or become deep or deeper. Example :- “the crisis deepened.”

More Synonyms – grow, increase, intensify, strengthen, escalate etc.

Neutralize (बेअसर) – render(something) ineffective or harmless by applying an opposite force or effect. Example :- “impatience at his frailty began to neutralize her fear.”

Relieve (राहत देना) – take (a burden from someone. Example :- “he relieved her of her baggage.”


Question 8. Select the most appropriate meaning of the given idiom.

The ball is in (one’s) court

1.     To be responsible for further action
2.     To pass the responsibility to another
3.     To be fearful of taking any action
4.     To risk everything in one venture

Answer :- 1. To be responsible for further action

Category :- Vocabulary (Idioms and Phrases)

Explanation :- The ball is in (one’s) court – One has the responsibility for further action, especially after someone else previously held responsibility. The phrase originated in tennis.


Question 9. Select the most appropriate option to fill in the blank.

The entry gates were closed _______ we could enter in.

1.     Till
2.     Before
3.     After
4.     Until

Answer :- 2. Before

Category :- Grammar + Vocabulary (Fill in the blank)

Explanation :- The entry gates were closed  before  we could enter in.

Till or Until (जब तक) – up to the point in time or the event mentioned; until.


Question 10. Find the part of the given sentence that has an error in it. If there is no error, choose ‘No error’.

I told the tailor/to made a new/dress for me./No error.

1.     Dress for me
2.     I told the tailor
3.     No error
4.     To made a new

Answer :- 4. To made a new

Category :- Grammar (No Error)

Explanation :- I told the tailor to make a new dress for me.

We use to+V1(Infinitive), here ‘made’ is used which is V2 so it should be replaced with ‘make’.


Question 11. Find the part of given sentence that has an error in it. If there is no error, choose ‘No error’.

The lady/standing in the/corner is fat. /No error.

  • 1.     Corner is fat
  • 2.     No error
  • 3.     Standing in the
  • 4.     The lady

Answer :- 2. No error

Category :- Grammar “Spot Error”

Explanation :- The lady standing in the corner is fat.


Question 12. Select the most appropriate option to substitute the underlined segment in the given sentence. If there is no need to substitute it, select No Improvement.

Please tell the story in a nutshell.

  • 1.     At a nutshell
  • 2.     In the nutshell
  • 3.     In nutshells
  • 4.     No improvement

Answer :- 4. No improvement

Category :- Grammar  (No improvement)

Explanation :- Please tell the story in a nutshell.


Question 13. Select the most appropriate option to substitute the underlined segment in the given sentence. If there is no need to substitute it, select No Improvement.

He did not like the novel, nor I did.

  • 1.     Nor did i
  • 2.     No Improvement
  • 3.     Nor I lie it
  • 4.     Nor did I likes it

Answer :- 1. Nor did I

Category :- Grammar (No Improvement)

Explanation :- He did not like the novel, nor did I.

Some small sentences start with “neither, Nor”. It is done to indicate that the second situation is similar to the one described earlier. Such sentences are inverted, i.e. the verb is placed before the noun. Example: He did not go to school, nor did his brother.


Question 14. Choose the most appropriate word that can substitute the given group of words.

A place where nuns live and work.

  • 1.     Convent
  • 2.     Dormitory
  • 3.     Hostel
  • 4.     Quarter

Answer :- 1. Convent

Category :- Vocabulary (One word substitute)

Explanation :- Convent (मठ) – a Christian community under monastic vows, especially one of nuns. Example :- Maria entered the convent at the age of eighteen.

Dormitory (छात्रावास) – a large bedroom for a number of people in a school or institution.

Hostel (छात्रावास) - Dormitory

Quarter (बसना) – resolve or reach an agreement about (an argument or problem). Example :- every effort was made to settle the dispute.


Question 15. Find the part of the given sentence that has an error in it. If there is no error, choose ‘No error’.

It was not possible/for we/to understand her. / No error.

  • 1.     For we
  • 2.     To understand her
  • 3.     It was not possible
  • 4.     No error

Answer :- 1. For me

Category :- Grammar (no Error)

Explanation :- It was not possible for us/me to understand her.

For we - the error lies in this part only.

Here we must replace ‘we’ with “us or me” because we need the objective case of pronoun.


Question 16. Select the most appropriate option to fill in the blank.

________you like some water ?

  • 1.     Do
  • 2.     Would
  • 3.     Shall
  • 4.     Can

Answer :- 2. Would

Category :- Grammar (Preposition)

Explanation :- Would you like some water ?


Question 17. Select the most appropriate synonyms of the given word.


  • 1.     Meekness
  • 2.     Valour
  • 3.     Humility
  • 4.     Timidity

Answer :- 2. Valour

Category :- Vocabulary (Synonyms)

Explanation :- Courage (साहस) – the ability to do something that frightens one. Example :- she called on all her courage to face the ordeal(अग्नि परीक्षा).

More Synonyms :- adventure, daring, boldness, might, power, gameness, mettle etc.


Question 18. Select the most appropriate option to fill in the blank.

We must start now ________ it will be too late.

  • 1.     Until
  • 2.     Unless
  • 3.     Or
  • 4.     But

Answer :- or

Category :- Grammar

Explanation :- We must start now or it will be too late.



Comprehension :

In the following passage some words have been deleted. Fill in the blanks with the help of the alternatives given. Select the most appropriate option for each blank.

         Humanity can be (1.)_______  as the quality of being human; the peculiar nature (2.) ____ man, by which he is distinguished (3.)__________other beings. Being human (4.) ______not mean that an individual possesses humanity. One of the (5.) __________ outstanding examples of extraordinary humanity in a human being has been portrayed beautifully by Mother Teressa.

Question 19. Select the most appropriate option for blank no.1

  • 1.     Define
  • 2.     Defining
  • 3.     Defined
  • 4.     Defines

Answer :- 3. Defined

Category :- Passage (Grammar + Vocabulary)

Explanation :- Defined is the appropriate option because the definition is fixed and already established. So we must use V3.


Question 20.  Select the most appropriate option for blank No. 2

  • 1.     Of
  • 2.     In
  • 3.     At
  • 4.     To

Answer :- 1. Of

Category :- Passage (Grammar + Vocabulary)

Explanation :- of is the correct preposition as per the context of the sentence we need a word which means belonging to something; being part of something; relating to something. So rest of the preparation won’t make any sense.


Question 21. Select the most appropriate option for blank No. 3.

  • 1.     Along
  • 2.     For
  • 3.     By
  • 4.     From

Answer :- 4. Born

Category :- Passage (Grammar + Vocabulary)

Explanation :- From is the most suitable preposition. As it means distinguish A (from B) to be a characteristic that makes two people, animals or things different.


Question 22. Select the most appropriate option for blank No. 4.

  • 1.     Had
  • 2.     Does
  • 3.     Has
  • 4.     Did

Answer :- 2. Does

Category :- Passage (Grammar + Vocabulary)

Explanation :- The given statement is a general fact and with general facts. Eternal principles, universal truth we use the simple present tense. Hence ‘does’ is the most appropriate option.


Question 23. Select the most appropriate option for blank No. 5.

  • 1.     More
  • 2.     Many
  • 3.     Most
  • 4.     Much

Answer :- 3. Must

Category :- Passage (Grammar + Vocabulary)

Explanation :- The context refers to a singular outstanding example of extraordinary beauty and embodied by Mother Teresa which is of the highest degree. Thus the blank must take the superlative determiner ‘most’.


Question 24. Select the most appropriate option to substitute the underlined segment in the given sentence. If there is no need to substitute it, select No Improvement.

The father with his children were expected to attend the function.

  • 1.     Are
  • 2.     Have
  • 3.     No Improvement
  • 4.     Was

Answer :- 4. Was

Category :- Grammar (No Improvement)

Explanation :- The father with his children was expected to attend the function.


Question 25. Select the most appropriate meaning of the given idiom.

Bend over backwards

  • 1.     To express sudden shock
  • 2.     To exert a lot of effort towards some end
  • 3.     To end all activities
  • 4.     To made a new

Answer :- 4. Made a new

Category :- Vocabulary (Idioms and Phrases)

Explanation :- Bend over backwards” (to do something) means to work very hard to accomplish something. Example :-

  • We bent over backwards to help him, and he never ever thanked us.
  • Our Children really bend over backwards to help our son who has autism
  • We bent over backwards to pay your tuition and all you did was party last semester.